Restaurant Napkin Dispenser What Are The Right Use Of Your Napkin In A Posh Restaurant And In A Fast Food Shop Or In A Backyard Party?

What are the right use of your napkin in a posh restaurant and in a fast food shop or in a backyard party? - restaurant napkin dispenser

I believe that no matter where you are, not the best way, your towel on the shirt (even if you eat ribs).

Luxury restaurant in the womb, is in restaurants are probably given a cloth or black or white, the closer to what you're wearing pants (silly but true), so if you get up and use bathroom, the waiter offered him a new or activate / Fold the towel again.

Fast Food Shop: I see people with paper towels on the shelf, the label has not much here.

Backyard Party / other words, if you are a guest, you must politely as possible. I agree not to use napkin as a tissue


charchar said...

A towel is used for cleaning the mouth. It should never be used as a handkerchief to blow his nose. RUDE RUDE RUDE.

Who should do more than just wiping your nose, you should excuse himself and go to the toilet.

Max Hoopla said...

At least use paper, like a handkerchief.

Max Hoopla said...

At least use paper, like a handkerchief.

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