Medical Diagnosis More Condition_symptoms Is There A Medical Term For This Diagnosis So I Can Look It Up More Online?

Is there a medical term for this diagnosis so i can look it up more online? - medical diagnosis more condition_symptoms

I visited my doctor today because I felt in my head. It felt like U never slept in the arms and when the blood comes BackYou have this tingling sensation, so I have in my head. Consisting of a series of tests once has the coordination and pulled me directly on my shoulder hurt CUS. I said I is muscle spasms in the shoulder and am connected to the nerve through the head and I feel that feeling. I get the feeling that a headache. is the drug that I wanted to write, because I'm nursing, so he wants instead to make physical therapy 2-3 times per week for 4-6 weeks. anyhtign if anyone knows about this u can pleaseinform because I look more into it, and I am havign CUS findinganythign hard on this, there was no specific medical diagnosis ...


TeriR said...

This could be any number of things. What about calling the doctor and ask for a diagnosis for what they are looking for? Finally, it is what is going to pay you when you see a doctor.

mistify said...

In fact, it seems that your doctor has no control over what (or what this pain has been diagnosed).

It is likely he / she thinks that this may be related to a kind of state machine ... the importance of some types of musculoskeletal tissue is angry ... due to a common position tissue tension or poor posture not.

I recommend that you consult a therapist with experience in interdisciplinary teams. These are PTs, the experts in the treatment of humans, the mechanical neck and back. Probably it is likely that some of the responses of the definition. I recommend going to find credentailed to a vendor to ... You can also find more information about the term "mechanical pain".

Good luck.

mistify said...

In fact, it seems that your doctor has no control over what (or what this pain has been diagnosed).

It is likely he / she thinks that this may be related to a kind of state machine ... the importance of some types of musculoskeletal tissue is angry ... due to a common position tissue tension or poor posture not.

I recommend that you consult a therapist with experience in interdisciplinary teams. These are PTs, the experts in the treatment of humans, the mechanical neck and back. Probably it is likely that some of the responses of the definition. I recommend going to find credentailed to a vendor to ... You can also find more information about the term "mechanical pain".

Good luck.

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